Come and meet every part of yourself with kindness; not just the ones you are most fond of


Welcome to my little corner of the web where kindness and strength go hand in hand. This is a place where creativity is plentiful, imagination is recognized as the powerful tool that it is, and being authentic is the very best option.

I am a mindset mentor/coach, meditation teacher, author, illustrator, and creator of soulful kindness-based products.

You deserve to feel valued, loved, and excited about your life— a life filled with joy and playful curiosity.

Learning how to quieten the noise of the external world so I could tune in to the valuable wisdom on the inside, was a crucial step in rediscovering what felt meaningful and exciting for me.

It was from this place that I made a much deeper connection with my self-worth, creativity, and how I wanted to show up in the world. I choose to create a life that is steeped in: kindness, authenticity, inclusivity, imagination, and creativity.

I am passionate about helping others learn how to deepen their self-worth, embrace new possibilities, and release what is holding them back from living the life they want. With the right support, this doesn’t need to feel hard or scary - when you feel truly supported, change can feel both peaceful and invigorating.

Feel free to have a look around and explore the variety of things I offer to help you connect with the best version of yourself and a life that you are excited to live every day.

Mindset mentoring and coaching, workshops, meditation, books, kindness apparel, ‘I am’ jewelry - and more!